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We are aware that many of you as graduate students are sharing in these challenging times with financial and career-related disruptions.  As such, we have developed a set of research projects that we invite you to consider collaborating on with us on. Stipends will be paid ranging from $2000 to $5000.


We have kept the application process as simple as possible.  Fundamentally we want to know why this project is of interest, how you intend to work with us in addressing the project, and what capabilities and/or experience you bring to bear.  We are also asking that your graduate advisor signs off on your application as we want to ensure that they are aware of your time commitment.


Please click on the project that interests you the most and send any questions you might have to


  • Research Survey Work - 2 positions
    The CSEdGrad project is seeking to hire two (2) graduate students to participate in our research project. These graduate students will work together alongside CSEdGrad project staff to design, implement, analyze, and report on a survey of current graduate students and their advisors in CSEd programs. This work is expected to lead to a conference submission or other publication. This survey is the primary data collection tool for the CSEdGrad project. The purpose is to understand the experience of CSEd graduate students navigating their academic pathways, research, and perceptions of career pathways. There will be a parallel survey effort targeting the graduate advisors. Read more about the research aims of the CSEdGrad Project here Compensation: Each person hired will be expected to contribute 160 hours between December 2020-June 2021 (and later, pending acceptance of a conference submission) We are able to offer each person a total of $4000 in compensation (which works out to $25 per hour) Timeline: Submit CV and statement from advisor by November 23 Interviews through December 3 Final notice by December 4 Citi Training and Registering with Purdue as an investigator by December 15 Develop survey instruments through December Submit for IRB approval Administer surveys mid-January to mid-February Analysis and reporting through June Nominal conference submission target is ICER 2021 (typically due in April) Deliverables: Two survey instruments Survey dataset Survey analyses Conference submission (or other publication) Collaboration with and feedback to other funded projects CLICK HERE TO APPLY
  • Website Curator
    The CSEdGrad project is seeking to hire one graduate students to research, gather, and present website content relevant to our community. Conent will include, but not be limited to, relevant conferences, job opportunities, and CSEd resources. This graduate student will work independently and report weekly to the CSEdGrad project leader with website content updates. This work is expected to tie directly into future work with CSEdGrad and its sustainability. Compensation: The person hired will be expected to contribute between 1-2 hours per week between December 2020 and June 2021. We are able to offer a total of $2000 in compensation (which works out to roughly $25 per hour) Timeline: Submit CV by November 23 Interviews through December 3 Final notice by December 4 Weekly updates thereafter through June 2021 Deliverables: Weekly report of additions and subtractions to the CSEdGrad website CLICK HERE TO APPLY
  • Research on organizations that support graduate students focusing on CS education research - 2 Positions
    As we consider the role of a potential CSEdGrad organization, we want to understand what support is already in place through the array of societies and organizations already providing various components of graduate student support. This project would look at both organizations based in the United States and those that are International. Therefore, we are seeking two researchers that would partner in this work; one would be US based and the other we would hope is from another country. The type of service to be investigated would include and are not limited to: advising/mentoring, career guidance and workshops, job postings, research conference, doctoral consortiums, topical events focused on graduate students, and networking. These organizations can also be focused on a particular demographic, such as those working to expand the presence of Black women in CSEd. The work would involve identifying the societies and organizations that provide services and creating a protocol that would systematically document what is offered. This work would produce a final report that summarizes the findings and forms recommendations for what this CSEdGrad organization might uniquely do in the future. In addition, we would hope that the work would result in potential links for the CSEdGrad website. Finally, there is the potential for the work to lead to a publication. Compensation: We have estimated a level of effort of 120 hours per person with a compensation of $3000 (which works out to roughly $25 per hour) Timeline: Submit CV by November 23 Interviews through December 3 Final notice by December 4 Project completion in April 2021 CLICK HERE TO APPLY
  • The Future of CSEdGrad - Multiple positions
    We are looking to form a team of graduate students interested in designing the CSEdGrad organization moving forward. This team would use models and best practices from other disciplines, as well as the contextualized data resulting from the various research projects related to CSEdGrad, including the survey research on graduate students’ academic and professional pathways and the landscape research on CSEd graduate student support organizations. This team will also coordinate with the CSEdGrad team and website curator as needed for ongoing engagement of the community. Right now, we are looking for an expression of interest - once the team is formed, they would be responsible for organization and distribution of funds. CLICK HERE TO APPLY

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CSEdGrad is a partnership between Purdue University, Michigan State University, and SageFox supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number #1939265. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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